Friday, February 2, 2018

CBU Maintenance

CBUs are common in apartments, condos, subdivisions, and more. But how do you maintain these mailboxes, and who is responsible for maintaining them?

Unfortunately the answer isn’t a simple one. Landlords will state it is the responsibility of the US Postal Service, but the Post Office will say it is the responsibility of the customer. But who is the customer? Is it the tenants? The landlord?

Speaking to the landlord of the building is usually your best bet, so until you’re sure you have to pay to repair it, don’t do it. According to the USPS rulebook it is the customer that is responsible for all mailbox maintenance. This means if something is wrong with a CBU, the USPS will stop delivering mail until the problem has been fixed.

But if you do need to take some responsibility for CBUs, how do you do it?

First off, mailboxes need to be kept clean. All you need to keep a CBU clean is a soft cloth and a mild detergent. All you have to do is wipe down the CBU to clean off dirt, grass, and more. Rinse it off after and let it dry, so avoid doing this when it is damp outside.

But at the same time be sure to avoid using abrasive cleaners. These cleaners can cause damage to the surface of the CBU. You also want to make sure to not clean the CBU during extreme temperatures, particularly when it’s very cold. You’ll end up with a CBU covered in ice, so we don’t advise it.

CBUs that are installed in climates that see winter weather need additional maintenance. The area around the CBU needs to be cleared of snow. If the locks freeze on the CBU a de-icer will need to be used.

If your CBU is in a costal climate that brings another host of concerns. It can be very damp on the coast leading to large buildups of dirt and mineral salts on your cluster box unit. This does mean you will have to clean your CBUs on a more regular basis.

What if your CBU is tagged with graffiti? Use a petroleum-based solvent to clean it up. Please make sure you test the cleaner first before you apply it to the entire CBU. You also don’t want to leave these stronger chemicals on your CBU for very long. Once you’ve cleaned off graffiti rinse off the residue with a more mild cleaner and then rinse everything off with water.

One downside of CBUs is that there can sometimes be a buildup of trash surrounding CBUs. People may toss junk mail aside or drop garbage while getting their mail. Consider setting up a garbage can and recycling bin to prevent this from happening.

If a key to a tenant or parcel door is lost, do not attempt to pry open the door. This is illegal and Postal workers will not deliver mail to a mailbox that is not secure. Arrange for a replacement.

Overall the maintenance required for a CBU is very low. These are durable units designed to withstand the wear and tear of daily use outdoors. Giving them minor maintenance as needed will help them to last even longer.

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